The title of The Elder Statesman came from the fact that I am the oldest out of my group of friends. Often, when enjoying fun times and adult beverages with friends, people would comment on my relaxed and sometimes patriarchal demeanor. So I joked that I was the "elder statesman" of the group. I was born and raised in Garland, TX, a suburb of Dallas. I am a graduate of Southern Methodist University with a degree in Economics and the University of Texas at Dallas with an MBA. I love my family and my friends and do everything I can to show them that. I have a beautiful woman by my side putting up with all my nonsense. I enjoy the finer things in life like scandal, intrigue, beer and baseball.

Monday, July 5, 2010

It's about God, you see

I talk a great deal about God and my faith, but I realized today that I have never explained myself to those of you out there who don’t believe or doubt the existence of a god. This should have been the first blog I wrote when I started writing faith based blogs however many years ago it was. My blog means nothing without an explanation of why I believe what I believe. It’s just words. So, I endeavor today to outline my proofs for God’s existence. I will also touch on God’s essence (what God is). Some of this may come out quite technical, but is because when arguing God’s existence there must be a detachment from feeling and emotions in order to make valid points to any reader. If someone does not believe in God, then they don’t have a feeling or emotion regarding God and are more likely swayed by logic. If it goes over any of ya’ll’s heads, I apologize (I am borrowing some examples to beef up my argument that are a little on the wordy and technical side). Also, know that I do know write this way because I have no feeling for God. I love God with all my heart and with all my soul. But, as mentioned above, I am simply arguing God existence in a form that many will acknowledge. Anyway, let’s get down to this. Here is how I know that there is a God and he should be praised.

The First Proof of God’s Existence: From Change
We observe in everyday life that things change, that is, they make a transition from potentiality to actuality. Now, nothing can reduce itself from potency to act. If something could do this, then it would be able to give itself something that it does not have. This is contrary to the principle of sufficient reason, for every transition from potency to act must have a sufficient reason. Therefore, nothing can change itself. But we see that things do change, therefore these new actualities come from beings that are already in act. Therefore, everything that is changed is changed by another. If everything that changed depended on something else to change it, and there was no first changer then everything that changes would receive its change from nothing. Since everything that changes depends on a prior changer, then if there were no first changer, there would not be a sufficient reason for the existence of change. Thus, if there were no first changer there would be no following changes. But there is change in the world; therefore, there must be a first changer. That first changer is referred to as God, because it is the source of all motion in the world.

The Second Proof of God’s Existence: From Efficient Causality
We see in the world that certain things come into existence that did not exist before. These things could not have given existence to themselves. If something were to be the efficient cause of its own existence then it would have to exist before it exists. Therefore something cannot be the efficient cause of its own existence. Thus, everything that comes into being is brought into being by something else that already exists. Everything that depends on another also depends on the thing that caused that. Thus, if there were an infinite regression of causes (if you considered the infinite regression of causes as a whole, you would see that) they would all be dependent on nothing, which is impossible because of the principle of sufficient reason. Therefore there must be a First Cause. We call that first cause God because it is the source of all existence.

The Third Proof of God’s Existence: From Contingency
We see in the world that some things are dependent on other things, that is, they are contingent. But everything that is contingent needs a cause to put it into being. There cannot be an infinite regression of causes, because of the above-mentioned reasons. Therefore, we must finally reach a being that is not contingent on any other being, and is thus a Necessary Being. This being we call God because He cannot not be.

The Fourth Proof of God’s Existence: From Gradation
We see in the world that there are different degrees, or grades of perfection. But whenever there are grades of something, there must be a highest or supreme grade. Therefore, there must be something that is supreme and infinite perfection. Every being that is finite in perfection received its perfection from a being that did not receive its own perfection, but is perfection itself, and is thus infinite perfection. This everyone calls God because it is the most perfect being conceivable, and is the source of all other perfection.

The Fifth Proof of God’s Existence: From Order
We see in the universe that there is order. Wherever there is order there must be an intelligent being causing it. Therefore, there must be an intelligent being that orders the universe. Since order cannot be the result of chance, it must be intended. But, only an intelligent being can intend something, because only an intelligent being can know what he wants, why he wants it, how he’s going to get it, etc. Therefore, the universe is ordered by an intelligent being. This being is referred to as God because He is the Governor of the world.

God’s Nature
The prime attribute of God must be the very first attribute that is known about him, and it must be the source of the rest of his attributes, in our mind. Now, the very first conclusion about God’s nature is the first one that follows the proofs of God’s existence. This attribute must be that he is not from something else, but that he is from himself. Some object that our first conception of God must be a positive one. This is false because, as St. Thomas Aquinas teaches, our primary way of knowing about God is by way of negation, which is, denying God attributes that belong to creatures.

God is not composed of parts, and thus He is simple. Whatever is composed depends on a composer to bring the parts into unity. But, God is the First Cause of all things and thus cannot be caused by another. Therefore, God is not a composite, and is absolutely simple. Again, composites depend on its parts. If the parts did not exist then the composite would not exist. But God is the Necessary Being and is not dependent on anything, e.g. parts. Therefore, as God is Absolutely Necessary so He is Absolutely Simple. God is not a body, because all bodies are made up of parts. Therefore, God is immaterial. God is also absolutely Immutable. If God could be changed He would have to be changed by another being, and thus He would be dependent on another being. Thus, the First Changer would not be the First Changer, and the principle of contradiction is denied.

God is infinite in His Being. If he were not infinite, His Being could be increased. But, every increase is a change. Indeed, it was shown above that God cannot change. Therefore, an increase in God’s Being is absolutely impossible, which means He is infinite in His Being. Again, whatever has a limit has potentiality, because it is only capable of so much. But, we know that God has no potentiality, because whatever has potentiality can change. Therefore, God is unlimited, and incapable of receiving anything more. God is also Eternal. He doesn’t have a beginning, because He would then need a cause. But the Uncaused Cause cannot be caused. He cannot have an ending, because He is the Necessary Being, who cannot not be. Finally, He cannot change for the above-mentioned reasons.

There can be only one God. It was proved above that God is simple, i.e. not made of parts. But this means that He is identical with His nature, otherwise there would be a distinction in God between His essence and His existence and this would result in Him having parts. But there cannot be two beings with the same essence or nature, which is identical with its nature. There would be nothing to distinguish them. Let me put it in concrete terms: supposing there are two beings with the same essence that is identical with its essence, let’s call the first being ‘A’, and the second being ‘B’, and the essence that they are identical with ‘C’. Now, since ‘A’ is identical with its essence, then ‘A’= ‘C’. And, since ‘B’ is also identical with its essence, then ‘B’= ‘C’. Now if ‘A’= ‘C’ and ‘B’= ‘C’’ then ‘A’=’B’. Thus, the first supposed God is identical with the second supposed God and they cannot be distinct. Therefore there cannot be two Gods.

God is Immense, i.e. has the power to act everywhere, He is intelligent, Good, Holy, Supremely Happy, and Powerful because God is absolutely perfect and all these attributes are perfections.

*special thanks to Seth Brotherton and the Evangelical Catholic Apologetics website

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