The title of The Elder Statesman came from the fact that I am the oldest out of my group of friends. Often, when enjoying fun times and adult beverages with friends, people would comment on my relaxed and sometimes patriarchal demeanor. So I joked that I was the "elder statesman" of the group. I was born and raised in Garland, TX, a suburb of Dallas. I am a graduate of Southern Methodist University with a degree in Economics and the University of Texas at Dallas with an MBA. I love my family and my friends and do everything I can to show them that. I have a beautiful woman by my side putting up with all my nonsense. I enjoy the finer things in life like scandal, intrigue, beer and baseball.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's Hardcore Thursday

Having my friend Fernando in town for Opening Day on Monday made me nostalgic for our more care free days. When our friendship (Fernando, Jon, and I) was starting out we had very little responsibility and thus an abundance of free time. Our “fast-paced” lifestyle at that time didn't just culminate in one day of the week, month or year (like Opening Day). It was a week long tradition of feelings, thoughts, and actions. Our week started with Random Monday, an ode to the fact that at one point in our lives we all had a Monday off of work and just did random crap all day. Traditionally celebrated, Random Monday doesn't just involve doing random things like driving out to South Fork Ranch for no reason, but random actions like kicking off one of your flip-flops at the door of the Dillard’s at Valley View mall. The more random your actions are the better, because at one point we were actually keeping track of our actions and allotting point values to them. Random Monday is your chance to do what you've always wanted to do and blame it on a made up holiday.

Cheap Tuesday was the founder's day of our lifestyle. It all started one night when our friend Fernando realized we could have a big night out without spending that much. He was still living in his old apartment and they were having a social night with free pizza on a Tuesday night. Then, that combined with Jon realizing that Sonic has half-priced burgers on Tuesday nights and the dollar movie theater is half price as well. Everything is cheap. When celebrated in the traditional manner, you can get away with only spending five dollars on a good sized meal and a movie. This became a necessity when our funds ran low and the only way we could have a fun night out was by celebrating Cheap Tuesday. Later on, as our station in life improved, Cheap Tuesdays often turned into Moderately-Expensive Tuesdays, because we spent more money for one reason or the other. Typically, if you have a date on a Tuesday, the day turns into a Moderately-Expensive Tuesday. One time…we had an Expensive Tuesday…never again.

Everyone knows that Wednesday is hump day and already a sort of low point in the week. Thus, it was referred to as Emo Wednesday. Emo refers to the type of music typically listened to on that day as well as the state of mind you are in. For those of you who don’t know, Emo, as defined by, includes the genre of soft-core punk music that integrates unenthusiastic melodramatic 17 year olds who don’t smile, high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar riffs with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarves (even in the summer), ripped Chuck Taylors with favorite band’s signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5ths of the face at an angle. We didn’t take it that far. For us, Emo referred to the type of music typically listened to on that day as well as the state of mind you were in. You let it all out (emotionally). Your emotions define you on Wednesdays. Emo type of dress is usually not adopted, but sometimes you just feel the need for a ripped shirt and girl jeans (not ever for me). You will now realize the juxtaposition of Emo Wednesday leading into Hardcore Thursday. That is why you ring in Hardcore Thursday. You welcome the renewed since of badass-ness.
Yes! It's my favorite day of the week. It is…HARDCORE THURSDAY! WOO! (Throw something) Hardcore Thursday is the day when you can let it all out (physically) and just go nuts with energy, rage, frustration, and, well, good old fashion destruction. (Throw something) I celebrate my Hardcore Thursday by giving out a big "WOO" and throwing something across the room. When celebrated traditionally, you ring in the new day, Hardcore Thursday, by going to your favorite 24 hour diner Wednesday night and sitting in your favorite seat. You count down to Thursday and when the clock strikes midnight…you give out a shout, obscene or otherwise, and throw some sugar packets at the wall. You get amped and give the person next to you a good Texas Torpedo (head-butt to the abdomen), then you tell everyone you think you hate them. It was beautiful and therapeutic and it was the cornerstone of the fast-paced lifestyle my buddies and I led.

After Hardcore Thursday was the bad sheep of the week, Thug Friday. Thug Friday is your chance to jaw jack someone for looking at you cross. Typically celebrated by ridin' dirty and wearing your cap to the side, Thug Friday is your opportunity to act like you are from the 'hood, even if you are not. "Street slang" may be adopted as your normal vocal pattern and you don't listen to anything unless it is making the windows rattle. You may choose to go in depth with Thug Friday and concentrate your attention on girls with big booties or switch to drinkin’ malt liquor, but it is not recommended. However, field trips to the real OC (Oak Cliff) and the Grove (Pleasant Grove) are advised as a way to get in touch with your roots.

Because everyone's Saturday was different, we adopted the ideal of the Make-Your-Own Saturday. The name describes it best, Make-Your-Own Saturday is a day where you can pick anything to focus on and do it to the extreme. I know it is hard to fathom, but it really is simple…if you got your little brother's football game to go to on Saturday, then it can be Pop Warner Football Saturday, and you can celebrate by spending your entire day at the park watching pee-wee football and reading the local paper articles about pee-wee football. It's simple. If you have something to do, then do it to the extreme and do it repeatedly if possible. Make-Your-Own Saturday is the be all, end all of the week. You can do whatever you want…it's the American way.

Though Sunday is the Sabbath for us and a day of rest typically, it was also a day to reflect on the past week and take stock of things. Thus, Make-up Sunday was born as a way for you to "make-up" for a day during the week you missed or that you didn't do to the extreme. Do not confuse this as the day you put lip gloss and eye shadow on…there is no day for that and if you are doing that then you should seek help (unless you are a woman). If you weren't cheap enough on Tuesday, then Sunday you just need to be a plan scrooge. If you weren't hardcore enough on Thursday, then you need to be so hardcore that someone's car ends up upside down (preferably without anyone in it). Make-up Sunday is the day to redeem yourself for your past shortcomings and to celebrate the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This was the code we lived by. This was the commitment we expected. This was the fast-paced lifestyle of my buddies and I. And if at all possible, it would be nice to get back there before we all have families and responsibilities that prevent us from achieving it. I’m the only one who hasn’t taken on more responsibility this year and I’m looking to recruit. Care to join me good buddy…well do ya?

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