The title of The Elder Statesman came from the fact that I am the oldest out of my group of friends. Often, when enjoying fun times and adult beverages with friends, people would comment on my relaxed and sometimes patriarchal demeanor. So I joked that I was the "elder statesman" of the group. I was born and raised in Garland, TX, a suburb of Dallas. I am a graduate of Southern Methodist University with a degree in Economics and the University of Texas at Dallas with an MBA. I love my family and my friends and do everything I can to show them that. I have a beautiful woman by my side putting up with all my nonsense. I enjoy the finer things in life like scandal, intrigue, beer and baseball.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am Gullible...and I want to Golf

How gullible am I? No, I’m not “send your bank account number and social security number to the exiled Nigerian prince” gullible, but I am pretty gullible when it comes to my friends. If I care about you, if I truly trust you, then chances are that I will believe any line of bullshit you throw my way. My friends have gotten me a couple of times with really silly, ridiculous stuff. These lies I been caught believing are pretty embarrassing, too embarrassing to mention here, but I don’t kick myself for long about those. I do, however, beat myself up when it comes to some stuff. I get upset with myself for being stupid enough to believe it, even though it’s not my fault. The situations are usually ones where I’m being lied to, or being mislead, and the person won’t or can’t come clean with me. The stupid little pranks and lies my friends feed me, they usually cop to as soon as they hear me say “Really?!” But the ones that get my goat are the ones I figure out on my own and have to stomach so as to not create a confrontation. Yeah, I should call them out on it, but what does that do except to embarrass them and make you look more like the ass than them. I’ve done it before…not pretty. So I sit, and let these charades go on, knowing full well the truth or at least thinking I do. This allows me to elaborate and embellish these “truths” I believe thus angering and upsetting me even more. My gullibility knows no bounds and neither does my imagination until I can’t take it even more. Then I just shut down. Ugh, I’m in the middle of one of these right now and just can’t shake it. Whatever you do, don’t get me started.
Now that I’ve put my frustration out there, I have to say, I can’t wait for my new golf clubs to arrive. I haven’t played golf since my best friend’s wedding and have been itching to start up again. Sure, sure, I am admittedly not that good. Yes, I do have one of the wicked slices in the known world of golf. But, amidst the numerous shots that find their way almost directly to the right, there are some glimpses of hope. One avid recreational golfer even commented that I had one of the smoothest swings he had ever seen. I know I could be a great golfer. If I got any genes from my father, then the golf gene should have been one of them. For someone who has only played recreationally his entire life, he is one of the best I’ve seen. He consistently plays below par with a set of clubs that is far from the cutting edge. In fact, whenever I mention that he should get new ones, which is his excuse, “Why? I’m playing just fine with the ones I have.” I know that he started playing golf in his late twenties, and I’m in my late twenties, which means that someday I could be as good as him. I don’t appreciate golf as much as he does, and certainly don’t watch it for hours on end on Sunday afternoons, but someone I could…who knows. Anyway, I stoked mostly about the new clubs I am getting. As some of you may know, my golf clubs were stolen unceremoniously from the toolbox in the back of my truck a month or so ago and I’ve been doing my research and been trying to make a decision about what to replace them with. I opted not to get some top of the line, state of the art, albeit used clubs and decided to get a nice set of middle of the road clubs. I don’t need something fancy, I need something that will be reliable and help me improve my game through improving my mechanics, not by clubs. The other thing I am excited about is buying a new golf bag. Golf bags have come a long way since I bought my old one, and I am learning to appreciate how the bag can make a statement about you more than the clubs or your game. I’ve got the one I want picked out, but I am waiting to see what the head covers on new clubs look like so I can make a decision about color. Yes, I am color coordinating my clubs and my bag. No, I am not gay; I just want to look professional. Look professional, be professional…that is one of my mottos. That, and…everybody wang-chung tonight.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Catholic Answer Series: Church and Biblical Teaching on Alcohol

Our Puritan legacy in the United States, which sees pleasure as the doorway to vice, makes it difficult for many people to understand this difference between virtuous and vicious drinking. If alcohol causes drunkenness, they think, then the sole moral question concerns whether you should drink it at all, and if so how much. Fundamentalists and many Evangelicals have an aversion to wine. At their communion services they substitute grape juice. They claim that at the Last Supper Jesus didn't use wine and that in a more general context drinking wine (or any other alcoholic beverage) is proscribed by the Bible. Two chief verses are cited by the anti-wine crowd: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise" (Prov. 20:1); "And do not get drunk on wine, in which lies debauchery" (Eph. 5:18). Other verses used are Proverbs 23:21, Habakkuk 2:15, and Isaiah 5:11. We should read closely. In Ephesians 5:18 Paul doesn't say, "Do not drink wine." That would be a complete prohibition. Instead, he says not to drink wine to excess--quite a different thing.

However, what Aristotle said about anger applies equally to drinking. It is not right to avoid anger absolutely…we must acquire the right habit, or in other words, school ourselves to feel the right amount of anger towards the right person, on the right occasion and for the right length of time. The same goes for drinking. It is not just the right amount that is important, but the right context, the right company, and the right drink. The Catholic Church teaches, and common sense corroborates, that wine, like food, sex, laughter, and dancing, is a good thing when enjoyed in its proper time and context. To abuse any good thing is a sin, but the thing abused does not itself become sinful. "Everything is lawful for me," writes Paul, "but not everything is beneficial. Everything is lawful for me, but I will not let myself be dominated by anything" (1 Cor. 6:12).

If Jesus had shunned wine and wanted his followers to do likewise, as these Protestants claim, why did he so frequently make use of wine in his parables and activities? Simple--he didn't disapprove of wine drinking, so long as it conformed to the biblical guidelines of moderation. The Bible tells us Jesus drank wine (Luke 7:34)--often enough, apparently, that his detractors accused him of being a drunkard--and that his first recorded miracle was to turn water into wine (John 2:1-11). Some anti-wine people say the kind of wine that was approved is the kind that doesn't intoxicate. But the Greek word for wine, oinos, used in the "don't get drunk on it" verses, is the same word used in the "it's okay to drink it in moderation" verses. Besides, all true wine has alcohol and can intoxicate; "wine" without alcohol isn't wine at all.

Properly used, alcohol is a stimulus to conversation, a solvent of awkwardness and a reminder that life is a blessing, and other people, too. The Bible refers of the goodness of wine when used correctly: "You may then exchange the money for whatever you desire, oxen or sheep, wine or strong drink, or anything else you would enjoy, and there before the Lord your God, you shall partake of it and make merry with your family" (Deut. 14:26). Other pro-wine-drinking verses are Genesis 14:18; Ecclesiastes 10:19; Sirach 31:12-31; Psalm 104:15; and 1 Timothy 5:23. After reading the account of the wedding at Cana one might legitimately wonder why, if Jesus turned water into grape juice, John goes out of his way to quote the headwaiter's remarks: "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one"? No matter how freely one drinks grape juice, it won't impair one's ability to discern between good and inferior grades.

What is the Biblical teaching on the use of alcohol? Based on the 247 references to wine and strong drink in the Bible, based on the life of Jesus, and in light of the common arguments that arise in a discussion on this topic, we find a simple (and, perhaps to some, surprising) answer. The Bible has several warnings against drunkenness, but only one caution against the responsible use of alcohol in celebration and with meals. That caution is to be careful, when you are in fellowship with Christians with a weaker conscience, that you don't cause a brother to stumble. A total prohibition against the use of alcohol is conspicuous largely by its absence. “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration, or a Sabbath day” (Colossians 2:16).

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm Back...from Finals

Finals are over…thank God. I’m sure none of you noticed that I hadn’t written in a while, but that is the reason why. I already know that I got a B+ in my Managerial Economics course (good thing, since I’m an economist). I don’t know what to say about Statistical Inference class, yet, except to say that I needed at least a 74 on the final in order to pass the class. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. I look forward to not taking any classes this summer. I look forward to pouring myself into work and a glass of beer before starting school full-time in the fall. Me taking classes has always been sort of a punch line at work…now there will be no work, at least nothing as involved or stressful as working at NTB has been. I do want to try to find something part time and hopefully a little fulfilling. I’ve been told to credit my friend Bryn for the idea to go full-time, so there it is.

My June has been keeping me company while I’ve been studying. Her curious puppy behavior mellows out around nine at night and she usually falls asleep on the futon or at the top of the stairs. I don’t know if it’s because she likes to be closer to me or she likes the view, but I do know it makes me feel good to have her around. She helps me unwind a little and her goofiness is worth a laugh or two. She chewed the end off a plug on a lamp downstairs the other day. I don’t know what to say about that except to say that obedience training will begin in a month or so. She’s a little older than I’d like to have beginning starting obedience classes, but you can’t argue with the fact that she needs some serious training. I won’t get into all her bad habits because I don’t want to be talking behind her back, but there are some things she may find shocking.

I got called into the area manager’s office today for a little “come to Jesus” meeting about my sales numbers. This company has changed…completely changed. My combined, nonconsecutive time at NTB adds up to almost three years, and never have I ever been hounded about sales numbers as much as I have been since starting back this last time. First it was my discount percentage. Then it was my overall sales. Now it is my alignment ratio and my gross profit. I come from a customer service background, not sales, so when you say that numbers are important, I just have to cock my head and look at you thinking, “You need customers before you get numbers.” Regardless, I was a little defensive and probably deceptively laid back throughout the meeting due to the fact that I already know what I have to work on and I already know how to fix it, so having someone sit me down and treat me like a child about the whole thing is condescending a best (and insulting at worse, which this was). Come to find out, a couple hours after this farce of a meeting, my store manager gets a call from the area manager telling him to fire me because apparently I have a bad attitude and shouldn’t be allowed to talk to customers. Or course, my store manager was shocked to hear this, because he holds me in high regard. Anyway, he fought for me and now I’m on notice, meaning we have to email my sales numbers to the area manager every day until he gets bored with it and moves on to something else. The politics and back stabbing in the tire business is not alarming, but rather it just mimics every other job I have had, except my hands get much more dirty. So, I finally get out from under the stress of school and now I’ll be under undue stress at work…all because someone above my area manager told him to call me in and talk to me about my numbers. Bullshit…pardon my language.

It’s springtime in Texas, which is arguably the best time of the year. Spring brings with it the sun and the breeze and warmth, but if you’re from Texas, at least North Texas, then you know that spring brings consecutive days of rain (like the past three days) followed by overbearing humidity and heat (like today). I’m still baking in my own juices in my room with two fans on, windows open wide, and lights turned off. I sometimes complain about the dry, ridiculous heat we get here during the summer, but it is a welcome replacement for the humidity so thick you can barely breathe. The only reason I’m on this is because I work most of my day outdoors and sweat through two shirts in about thirty minutes this morning. I still love the unpredictability of Texas weather, but sometimes you just need to vent about it.

That’s about it as fair as catching everyone up. I had an uneventful birthday, so not much to talk about there. I saw the new X-Men movie and was more disappointed than jazzed, don’t get me started. I’ve been huddled over my books and laptop when not working for the past six days, so there is nothing going on. I lead a boring life. I had entertained the thought of talking about how I feel I’ve hardened myself more and more as my life has gone by, but opted against it. Rangers made it to a solo position in first place in the AL West, but who knows how long that will last. Mavericks are tanking themselves against Denver. I’m shopping for new golf clubs, but that’s neither fun nor interesting unless you like golf or reading my thoughts. Oh well.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birthday Facts

Born on this day…

Mary II, queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1662)

Willie Nelson, musician (1933)

Isiah Thomas, former professional basketball player (1961)

Franz Lehár, composer (1870)

Don Schollander, swimmer (1946)

On this day in history…

1789: George Washington is inaugurated as the first president of the United States in New York City.

1803: The United States more than doubles its size with the Louisiana Purchase, a vast territory bought from France for $15 million.

1812: The Territory of Orleans enters the Union as the 18th state, the state of Louisiana.

1939: Franklin D. Roosevelt is the first U.S. president to appear on television when NBC begins regular broadcasting with live coverage of the opening of the New York World's Fair.

1945: Refusing to surrender after Germany is defeated by Allied forces at the end of World War II, German dictator Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin bunker.

1975: The Vietnam War ends when Duong Van Minh, president of South Vietnam, surrenders unconditionally to North Vietnamese communist forces.

In 1982, the year I was born…

Ronald Reagan is president of the US

The space shuttle Columbia completes its first operational flight

Actor John Belushi is found dead of a drug overdose in a West Hollywood hotel

Automobile manufacturer John Delorean is arrested and charged with possession of 59 pounds of cocaine

The first artificial heart is implanted in American Barney Clark

The Cable News Network, or CNN, is launched

750,000 people rally against nuclear weapons in New York City's Central Park

Time Magazine's Man of the Year was for the first time given to a non-human, a computer

The first computer virus, written by Rich Skrenta, escapes into the wild

Kirsten Dunst and Elisha Cuthbert are born

St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series

San Francisco 49ers win Superbowl XVI

New York Islanders win the Stanley Cup

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is the top grossing film

Ozzy Osbourne bites the head off of a live bat thrown at him during a performance, later hospitalized with rabies

"I Love Rock 'N Roll" by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts spends the most time at the top of the US charts

Cheers, Family Ties, Silver Spoons, and Fame premiere

Monday, April 27, 2009

I am not a Separatist

I thought I would respond to a comment my friend made on my blog and was all geared up to be writing about the merits of late-night sit-down eateries, such as IHOP, but my dog just made me chase her all over the neighborhood for forty minutes, so I’m not in the mood. Instead, I will be writing in response to another one of his comments on my blog…

No, I am not a separatist. Though occasionally I do entertain ideas of separatism when it comes to my beloved Texas regaining its status as an independent nation, it mostly occurs on or around March 2 each year (Texas Independence Day). But, alas, that is not true separatism because I am not fully invested in it and honestly I look at it more as patriotism for my home state’s glory. I think I ascribed the correct title to myself when I said I am a right-wing extremist, because secession from the Union just for the sheer fact that I want to live in the nation of Texas is pretty extreme (though some may see it as liberal rather than conservative, depends on your POV). I do know however that I am not a separatist.

Separatism refers to the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial or gender separation from the larger group, often with demands for greater political autonomy and even for full political secession and the formation of a new state. The reasons for separatism are far more extreme and sometimes more important than having the nation of Texas. While some critics may equate separatism and religious segregation, racial segregation or sexual segregation, separatists argue that separation by choice is not the same as government enforced segregation and serves useful purposes. This nullifies my desire for Texas’ Independence because it would take an act of government to make that happen and could not be done solely by the people of Texas. Let’s look at some of the reasons or motivations for separatism.

Groups may have one or more motivations for separation, including: emotional resentment of rival communities, protection from ethnic cleansing and genocide, justified resistance by victims of oppression, including denigration of their language, culture or religion; propaganda by those who hope to gain politically from intergroup conflict and hatred; the economic and political dominance of one group that does not share power and privilege in an egalitarian fashion; economic motivations of seeking to end economic exploitation by more powerful group or, conversely, to escape economic redistribution from a richer to a poorer group; preservation of threatened religious, language or other cultural tradition; destabilization from one separatist movement giving rise to others; geopolitical power vacuum from breakup of larger states or empires; continuing fragmentation as more and more states break up. We’ll use my extreme right-wingism to give examples in this case. For instance, I being right-wing may garner resentment from some of my neighbors, but I am by no means oppressed or denigrated for it. I do hope to gain politically by being a right-wing extremist, but by no means do I want intergroup conflict to increase in the government (they barely get anything done now as it is). Yes, I want Republicans to run the country, but not at the expense of the shared system of checks and balances inherent in a two-party government, i.e. I don’t want absolute power. There hasn’t been a political separatist movement in the US since the Green Party, and we all know they are kind of a joke, no offense. And finally, there is no power vacuum due to the break-up of large states in the United States because the Union has forced every state to put a “no secession” amendment in their constitutions. So, as you can see, me being party to a little right-wing rhetoric from time to time doesn’t necessary make me a separatist.

I’m proud of my friend for being so bold in his comments on my blog. He’s one of the few who still reads on a regular basis that I know of. At least, he is one of the few who is moved by my words so much as to comment on them. He’s one of my best friend’s, though; I am afforded his support whenever I need it, which is awesome. And I support him, like being his best man for instance. The point I am trying to make is that after taking up my pen again, I expected more response from my audience. But, I suppose they are so few and far between that getting a comment from everyone of them every time would just make me realize how few of them there are out there.

Anyway, looking ahead, I will be writing about late night dining stops that top my all time list, so stay glued to those monitors, folks.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's Rodeo Time...All the Time

If you were nice enough to read my previous blog, then you know that I went to the rodeo the other day, Friday, with my relatives who were in town. It seems that every time I go to the rodeo, I am reminded of how much I enjoy the atmosphere and entertainment of the spectacle. Let us start with a little history… the beginnings of rodeo can be traced back to the ranches of the early 1700’s, when the Spanish ruled the West. The Spanish cattlemen, known as vaqueros, would influence the American cowboy with their clothing, language, traditions and equipment which would in turn influence the modern sport of rodeo. Duties on these early ranches included roping, horse breaking, riding, herding, branding, and much more. Americans from the East came into contact with Spanish, Mexican, Californio, and Texican cowboys and began to copy and adapt their styles and traditions of working the ranches. Ranchers from the Southwest would organize long cattle drives, to bring cattle to the stockyards in towns like Kansas City, where trains would carry the cattle east. This was the golden age of the cowhand. At the end of the long trails, these new American "Cowboys" would often hold informal competitions among themselves and the various different outfits to see which group had the best riders, ropers and all-around best drovers. It would be from these competitions that modern rodeo would eventually be born. In the modern era, rodeo has continued to grow from its roots as a working ranch competition to a huge national sport. With the continued success, rodeo has seen growth in the number of associations at regional and state levels. Rodeo has also established itself at the high school and college level. There is no doubt that rodeo will continue through the 21st century.

Rodeo is one of the original extreme sports. Today’s professional rodeo holds a distinct position in the world of modern sports having come directly from a working-lifestyle. Early rodeo began as the everyday chores of working ranches on the great plains of the American West. Modern rodeos take place in a fenced, dirt surfaced area known as an arena. Arenas can be either indoor or outdoor. Remarkably there are no standard sizes for arenas, but all of them contain bucking chutes, and roping chutes (usually at opposite ends of the arena). Rodeo is also unique in that it is a sport made up of several different events, each with their own style of competition, rules, and rewards. While there are many events that are specific to different regions of the U.S. and world, seven are recognized as standard events in most professional rodeo. The seven main events of a rodeo are (in the standard order of competition): bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, saddle bronc, tie-down roping, barrel racing, and bull riding. These seven events can be broken down into two categories, the roughstock or judged events (bareback, saddle bronc, and bull riding) and the timed events (steer wrestling, barrel racing, tie-down and team roping).

The roughstock events are the wild, adrenaline filled events of rodeo. The dangerous nature of these events makes them extremely exciting to watch. Competitors compete in rodeo performances against the other cowboys or cowgirls entered in each specific event. Horses and bulls are normally bucked-out only once per day and each time that a competitor rides is called a go-round. These are the wild, adrenaline filled events of rodeo. The dangerous nature of these events makes them extremely exciting to watch. Competitors compete in rodeo performances against the other cowboys or cowgirls entered in each specific event. Horses and bulls are normally bucked-out only once per day and each time that a competitor rides is called a go-round. Scoring for the roughstock events is the same for all three of the events, although different criteria exist for judging the animals in each event. All cowboys competing in the roughstock events must use only one hand to ride and touching yourself or the animal with the free hand results in a disqualification and a no score. To receive a score, a cowboy must make a qualified 8 second ride. The 8 second length of a qualified ride was devised purely for the safety and well-being of the animals involved. After 8 seconds the horse or bulls bucking ability decreases because of fatigue, adrenaline loss, etc. Once the buzzer sounds and there are no disqualification, the ride receives a score given by 2 to 4 official judges, depending on the rodeo. Scores are given to both the competitor and the animal. Each judge scores 1-25 points for the cowboy and 1-25 points for the animal, with a maximum score being 100 points or a perfect ride (in the case of 4 judges they score the same but divide by 2).

The timed events, as the name implies, use stopwatches to track the times for each event, and the lowest time wins. All the timed events, except barrel racing use a barrier, which is strung across the roping chutes. This makes the event more challenging as the barrier prevents the competitor from getting too much of a head start on the livestock. Breaking the barrier results in a time penalty in each event.

The atmosphere of a rodeo can depend greatly on where it is taking place or at what level. PRCA events are usually quite electric and have a widely diverse crowd because they take place in larger arenas in more urban areas. While regional events tend to have crowds composed of what you would expect the “typical” rodeo fan to be, often because they take place in rural areas at outdoor arenas. The Mesquite Rodeo, which is held at Resistol Arena, attracts a wide cross section of people and rodeos in and of themselves tends to bring curious spectators no matter where you are. As a man, I enjoy the rodeo because I enjoy the simple things in life…girls who wear boots and cowboy hats. The new trend I’ve noticed time and time again is a woman wearing boots and either short shorts or a short skirt, which is sexy the majority of the time, but if you’ve ever been to Mesquite, you know that there are an abundance of people there who have no business in shorts. Aside from the eye candy, you get to enjoy one of the sweetest smells in the world, manure. It takes being around it more than a time or two to appreciate it, but to me evokes visions of hard work, discipline, and cattle. Rodeo is one of the few sporting events where you can get a brisket sandwich with meat that probably came from one of the competitors (or a relative of theirs). It’s laid back and, more often than not, you end up in pleasant conversation with the person next to you about your childhood memories of rodeo to the point that you forget to watch the competition. There’s no replays, no yelling at judges or umpires, and you clap for everyone who comes out of the chutes regardless if they had a good ride or not. And, let us not forget that seeing a barrel rider rein her horse around the last turn, flexing her legs in the stirrups, and riding full speed into the tunnel with her hair flowing in the wind is extremely hot.

So, let’s all go to the rodeo…COWBOY UP!

Catholic Answer Series: Reception of Holy Communion

This week in the Catholic Answer Series we will be talking about the reception of Holy Communion. Holy Communion in the Catholic Church is one of the most amazing and spiritually uplifting experiences…and if you are of regular attendance to Mass, then you get to do it every week! By Communion is meant the actual reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Ascetic writers speak of a purely sacramental reception; that is, when the Eucharist is received by a person capable indeed of the fruits but wanting in some disposition so that the effects are not produced; of a spiritual reception, that is, by a desire accompanied with sentiments of charity; and of a sacramental and spiritual reception, that is, by those who are in a state of grace and have the necessary dispositions. For real reception of the Blessed Eucharist it is required that the sacred species be received into the stomach. For this alone is the eating referred to by our Lord (John 6:58). But, I’m not going to get into a full spiritual discussion on the merits and history of Holy Communion in the Church, but rather how we receive the Eucharist during Mass. There are two common ways of reception of the Eucharist; one is on the tongue whereby it is taken directly into the body and the other is onto the hand where the receiver then takes the Eucharist out of the hand and places it into their mouth. Most “traditionalists” as they are referred to, believe that taking Communion on the tongue is the first and only way. I am not this extreme, though I do take Communion on the tongue. But the practice of taking Communion in the hand has been around since 1973 when in the instruction Immensae Caritatis, the Church granted permission because many episcopal conferences had asked for it. Currently, the practice in the United States is that one receives either on the tongue or on the hand at the discretion of the communicant. The General Instruction on the Roman Missal states: If Communion is given only under the species of bread, the priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ). The communicant replies, Amen, and receives the Sacrament either on the tongue or, where this is allowed and if the communicant so chooses, in the hand. As soon as the communicant receives the host, he or she consumes it entirely. Because of widespread attempts to prevent the lay faithful from receiving Communion on the tongue, Pope John Paul II in 1980 reaffirmed that it is the communicant’s choice whether to receive in the hand or on the tongue (DC, no. 11).

We need to receive Holy Communion with the utmost reverence because, in consuming Our Eucharistic Lord, we are joining ourselves to the most important event in human history: Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, through which we were redeemed from sin and can receive the grace to enjoy eternal salvation in heaven. To respond to our Lord’s invitation to receive Him in the Eucharist, “we must prepare ourselves for so great and holy a moment” (Catechism, no. 1385; cf. 1 Cor. 11:27-29). Further, the manner in which we receive Communion “ought to convey the respect, solemnity, and joy of this moment when Christ becomes our Guest” (Catechism, no. 1387). The Church has provided certain norms to help us humbly and worthily receive Our Eucharistic Lord. For example, in its 1980 document Inaestimabile Donum (ID), the Vatican Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship has decreed that the lay faithful are not to self-communicate: “Communion is a gift of the Lord, given to the faithful through the minister appointed for this purpose. It is not permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice; still less that they should hand them from one to another” (ID, no. 9). However, in 1980 Pope John Paul II decreed that this norm does not preclude the lay faithful from receiving Communion in the hand, noting that, unfortunately, “the free choice of those who prefer to continue the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue is not taken into account in those places where the distribution of Communion in the hand has been authorized” (Dominicae Cenae (DC), no. 11, 1980). The General Instruction reiterates the ban against self-communion. It also provides the posture for the reception of Holy Communion and the gesture of reverence to be given: The faithful are not permitted to take the consecrated bread or the sacred chalice by themselves and, still less, to hand them from one to another. The norm for reception of Holy Communion in the dioceses of the United States is standing. Communicants should not be denied Holy Communion because they kneel. Rather, such instances should be addressed pastorally, by providing the faithful with proper catechesis on the reasons for this norm. When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before the Sacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister (no. 160).

A person may receive Communion twice in the same day, but “only during the celebration of the Eucharist in which the person participates” (Code of Canon Law, canons 917 and 921.2). Those in danger of death may receive it outside of Mass (cf. canon 918). A person should abstain from food or drink, with the exception of water and medicine, for at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion, although the elderly and the sick—and those who take care of them—are exempted (canon 919.3; cf. Catechism, no. 1387).

Finally, canons 915 and 916 deal with those Catholics who should not be admitted to Communion, or who should personally refrain from receiving: Those who are excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion (canon 915); A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to celebrate Mass or to receive the Body of the Lord without prior sacramental confession unless a grave reason is present and there is no opportunity of confessing; in this case the person is to be mindful of the obligations to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible (canon 916).

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dallas is a jungle but Dallas gives a beautiful light...

I have relatives coming in town this week. Whenever I have relatives or friends coming into town, I am reminded of why I like Dallas so much. I am reminded of why I like Texas so much, too, but that is a topic for another time. Plus, to expound on the merits of Texas would just take forever and I am trying to keep this one brief and to the point. Dallas…

Ok, I just spent twenty minutes updating the third party wireless assistant I use because it doesn’t communicate with the wireless network on campus that well and it locked up the wireless on my computer. I finally get the damn thing to install correctly and start up, then it tells me that I can’t enter my license key because I am not connect directly to a router that is directly connected to the internet. I’m guessing on campus a hub is used to split the signal to various routers throughout the building I’m in, so I’m stick with a trial version I can’t really use. Ugh, what a pain in the rear. I completely lost my train of thought because I had to restart my computer. Where was I? Oh, I was going to use a quote…

Dallas, as Jimmie Dale Gilmore puts it, “is a jewel, oh yeah, Dallas is a beautiful sight.” My friend Jon put it simply when we were driving into Dallas from a road trip to Waco, and said that he just feels excited to see the downtown skyline coming into focus from the distance. It is the third largest city in Texas and the ninth largest in the United States. Dallas is the core of the largest inland metropolitan area in the United States that lacks any navigable link to the sea. The city's prominence despite this comes from its historical importance as a center for the oil and cotton industries, its position along numerous railroad lines, a strong industrial and financial sector, and its status as a major inland port (due largely to the presence of Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, one of the largest and busiest in the world). The city was founded in 1841 and formally incorporated in 1856. With a population of over 1.3 million, the city is the main economic center of the 12-county Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metropolitan area, which the residents refer to as the Metroplex.

I could go on with a history lesson about Dallas, but that just wouldn’t get my point across. I’m talking about why I like living in Dallas in the present, not why I’m proud of Dallas, a pride that comes from its prominence as a focal point of both Texas and American history. Here and now, Dallas has everything you need within its 385 square mile area, and if you want more, you can travel throughout the Metroplex’s 9286 square mile area and find it. Dallas is flat, with some small areas of rolling hills and a river, the Trinity, wandering beneath it. It’s hot during the summer, one of the hottest areas in the United States during those months. It’s mild in the winter, wet in the spring, and cool in the fall; though the temperature and climate changes don’t necessitate all four seasons. If you live here you know it’s either hot (summer) or cool (winter). Dallas has a signature skyline, with several buildings over 700 feet tall and all sorts of architectural eras and styling. It is punctuated, literally, but Reunion Tower, which is one of the most recognizable parts of the skyline. Moving from the skyscrapers of downtown you go in any direction and find yourself in a unique neighborhood, offering cultural, retail, dining, and nightlife diversity to fit any taste. I can’t go into all of them, but let’s just say there is no lack of places to go or people to see.

The culture of Dallas is unreal. Though politically the Metroplex is the third most liberal of Texas metropolitan areas after Austin (Hippies) and El Paso (need I explain), the city itself can be seen as moderate. I don’t want to go into the scandalousness of Dallas politics any more than that, other than to say that since I live in the north Dallas area I vote with the majority of my neighbors for Republicans. Let’s just move on to the food. Dallas has been on the forefront of barbeque, authentic Mexican, and Tex-Mex cuisine for years. Dallas features the third nationally ranked steakhouse, Bob’s Steak and Chop House, the best hotel restaurant in the US according to a Zagat survey, Fearing’s (the signature restaurant of chef Dean Fearing, a personal hero), and is the starting place for famous chain restaurants Chili’s and Romano’s Macaroni Grill. Let us not forget the best thing to come from the Dallas culinary scene…the FROZEN MARGARITA…invented right here in Dallas. After you’ve eaten, you can take in a symphony or an art exposition in the Arts District. Go to the Meyerson Symphony Center to experience one of the most acoustically sound places I’ve been to and performed in or go to the Dallas Museum of Art to see their intriguing collection of Egyptian and Nubian art. High art not your scene, find yourself a concert at one of several music venues in the downtown area. Or you can hit up one of the several small independent art galleries nestled among the downtown shopping, featuring up and coming local artist with unique flare. What if art is not your thing at all? Dallas is home to several major league franchises spanning the majority of professional sports. This includes the Dallas Mavericks (making their NBA finals playoff run right now), the Dallas Stars (enjoying their NHL off season, I’m sure) and the Dallas Desperados (bagging groceries at Kroger since Arena football may never be coming back). Like the soccer scene, then check out an FC Dallas (perennial MLS contender) game. Fan of semi-pro hockey (who isn’t), then you can see the Texas Tornado (three-time champions of the NAHL) play at the Déjà Blue Arena in Frisco. What about football? Need I really mention America’s Team, the Dallas Cowboys, who will be moving into their new (super) stadium in Arlington next season? Speaking of Arlington, what about a little baseball with the Texas Rangers, or their double A farm team, the Frisco Roughriders. If you’re on the other side of Interstate 35, the Fort Worth Cats can fill your need for the stick and ball sport. Other teams in the Dallas area include the Dallas Harlequins of the USA Rugby Super League, as well as the Dallas Diamonds, the two-time national champions of the Women's Professional Football League, and the Dallas Revolution, an Independent Women's Football League team.

I’m getting long winded, as I knew I would, so I am going to cut it off there. Needless to say, if you have a need for recreation, trendy local events, religious facilities, medical attention, or higher education, you can find a variety of those in Dallas as well. I guess that is kind of the point I’m trying to get to…variety. Dallas is so diverse and large that you don’t have to go the same place or do the same thing if you don’t want to. There is always something new you can try, something strange you haven’t done, or some group of people you haven’t experienced. Sure, I don’t take advantage of all the great opportunities I have living in Dallas unless I have relatives coming to town, but knowing that I have them and, not to be smug, they don’t, is nice. Big Tuck makes my point clearly in his song “Welcome to Dallas” when he says, “Never been to Dallas, then you ain't never been to Texas.”

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Catholic Answer Series: What to do with your hands?

As I was standing in church this morning for the saying of the Our Father, I felt the same uneasiness I have been feeling for years now. It is the uneasiness of being one of the few people who still folds their hands during this prayer while the rest of the congregation has their hands raised in praise or is holding hands with the person next to them. I have always folded my hands during this prayer, except for the few occasions while working with the youth when I would hold hands in a prayer circle as a sign of unity with them. Today I felt especially out of place due to the fact that I was crowded in with people on either side of me, both of them holding their arms up in praise during one of the most solemn and important prayers of the Mass. It sparked my interest to find more information about what the “right” or “wrong” thing to do during that prayer, seeing as I was taking a firm stand against the “praise and worship” hands that everyone else seems to be sporting these days. I am not against standing in this way for the Lord’s Prayer, necessarily, but come on, we’re not Protestants.

Apparently this is a common liturgical question since I am not the only one with an opinion on the subject. Actually, there is no norm as to what posture the laity should adopt during the Lord’s Prayer at Mass. The “General Instruction of the Roman Missal” (the official instruction manual for the Mass, which I carry with me to Mass every Sunday) is silent on this particular issue. As such, besides the commonly accepted praying gesture of folding hands (which should be literally interpreted as the right way), there may be some legitimate room for variety…but only insofar as the practice does not contradict local regulations or disrupt the prayerfulness of the Mass.

The posture of outstretched arms is called the “orans” position, and was a common sign of praise and adoration in the early church. During the development of the Roman Catholic liturgy, this posture became closely associated with the intercessory role of the priest on behalf of the people. The recent appearance of uplifted hands among the congregation probably originated in charismatic communities, but has since gained wider use. If it is done, individuals should be careful not to obscure the unique role of the ordained presider. It may be helpful to consider that even in concelebrated Masses; only the principal celebrant (not all the priests) maintains the “orans” posture while “Deliver us, Lord, from every evil…” is prayed.

The practice of holding hands is also very widespread. It is a devotional practice that can be very beautiful, and many families do so as part of their domestic piety during prayer. It might make sense if couples, families, or close-knit groups wish to hold hands during the Lord’s Prayer at Mass; but those who do this must guard against three things. First, this posture should not be mandated or broadly encouraged for the entire congregation. Holding hands can be harmless if conducted with dignity and if nobody is pressured into it. Those who hold hands must recognize and respect that many are uncomfortable with such an intimate posture, which often requires a strong sense of personal familiarity. Second, this practice should never detract from filial adoration of God, which is a focal point of the Our Father and of the entire Mass. The end of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is devoted to the Lord’s Prayer, and No. 2781 says this: “When we pray to the Father, we are in communion with him and with his Son, Jesus Christ. Then we know and recognize him with an ever new sense of wonder. Therefore, the liturgical recitation of the Our Father must not be self-centered, or otherwise distract from what should be a humble disposition before the Father’s transcendence. It is not primarily about us, but about God. Third, it would be misguided to hold hands during the Our Father if it is meant to promote a sense of unity or community that is allegedly lacking in the liturgy. Not only can this easily become superficial or devolve into a worldly understanding of solidarity, but the principle source of unity should always be the liturgy itself…especially the Eucharist and the reception of Holy Communion. We are preparing to enter into real communion with God while asking him to “keep us free from sin,” so that we may more perfectly live our adoption as his sons and daughters in the bond that is the body of Christ. Our goal is elevation into the community of saints.

So, although many practices are not explicitly forbidden, any extra actions or postures during the Lord’s Prayer must ultimately be evaluated according to whether they keep intact the integrity and reverence that are so fundamental to the Mass. In other words, there is no definite “right” or “wrong” way to participate in the communal recitation of the Our Father, except to say that it should be done with God in your heart.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm a Right-Wing Extremist

It seems that I have made the Department of Homeland Security’s watch list. Department of Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano has turned her attention away from acts of Islamic jihad on American soil (which she now refers to as "man-caused disasters"). Instead, her department is sounding the alarm over an unquantified "resurgence" in "right-wing extremism activity." On April 7, DHS sent a nine-page warning memo to law enforcement offices across the country titled "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." Yes, me being part of an active conservative group that opposes abortion, favors strict immigration enforcement, lobbies to protect Second Amendment rights, protests big government, advocates federalism or represents veterans who believe in any of the above qualifies me as being a “right-wing extremist.” The report of April 7, includes a sweeping definition of the threat: "Right-wing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration." You cannot ignore the context or the timing of this DHS report. It's no small coincidence that Napolitano's agency disseminated the assessment just a week before the nationwide April 15 Tax Day Tea Party protests. The grassroots events organized by fiscal conservatives, independents, Libertarians and, yes, even some Blue Dog Democrats were fueled by the "current economic and political climate" of bipartisan profligate spending and endless taxpayer-funded bailouts. The growing success of the loose-knit movement has invited scorn, ridicule and fear-mongering from Obama's supporters. Liberal bloggers have likened the Tea Party movement to neo-Nazis, militias and even Weather Underground terrorists. The Obama DHS report is an overarching indictment of conservatives. "Right-wing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures," the assessment warns. When asked, DHS spokeswoman Sara Kuban could not explain who was responsible for this "extremist chatter," she could not and would not name names. The only “extreme” I see here is the use of fear-based and buzz catching words in this report to disguise what the true issue at hand is. If you can redefine dissenting opinion as "hate," you can brand your political opponents as "extremists" and you can marginalize electoral threats. “Antigovernment”…“Pro-enforcement”…“Disgruntled"? Feeling taxed enough already and "recruiting" and "radicalizing" your friends and neighbors through "chatter on the Internet"? We are all right-wing extremists now. Welcome to the club.

I had no idea how important this week's nationwide anti-tax tea parties were until hearing liberals denounce them with such ferocity. Probably upset that they hadn’t come up with a clever idea like that to protest something they battered former President Bush over. Media coverage has been mixed on the subject, with right-leaning news agencies and bloggers praising them and supporting the idea (ahem) while their left-leaning counterparts accuse the protesters of being “crazy people” and childishly joke that these are “tea bagging” parties (referring to a dubious homosexual sexual practice). But, they both seem to be missing the point behind these tea parties and protests. The point of the tea parties is to note the fact that the Democrats' modus operandi is to lead voters to believe they are no more likely to raise taxes than Republicans, get elected and immediately raise taxes. Apparently, the people who actually pay taxes consider this a bad idea.

The problem with Democratic tax policy is that they almost always raise taxes on those who are most productive in society. All Democrats for the last 30 years have tried to stimulate the economy by giving "tax cuts" to people who don't pay taxes. Evidently, offering to expand welfare payments isn't a big vote-getter. Yes, I’m getting back on the topic of the Obama stimulus plan. I’m a Republican and for all of Bush’s shortcomings, I considered him a fine president compared to some alternatives. And even Bush had a stimulus plan where they mailed checks out to everyone. Of course, that didn’t stimulate anything, and we’ve sunk deeper into the hole we’re in now. Now we’re faced with President Obama’s stimulus package, which is the mother of all pork bills with earmarks for anyone and everyone who showed up for session that day. And all that government spending on the Democrats' constituents will be paid for by raising taxes on the productive. This forces and even coerces the productive to will work less, adopt tax shelters, barter instead of sell, turn to an underground economy…and the government will get less money. California tried this Obama style soak-the-productive-in-tax "stimulus" plan years ago and was hailed as the perfect exemplar of Democratic governance. In just a few years, Democrats had turned California into a state, or as it's now known, a "job-free zone", with a $41 billion deficit, a credit rating that was slashed to junk-bond status and a middle class now located in Arizona. Democrats governed California the way Democrats always govern. They bought the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits and then turned around and accused the productive class of "greed" for wanting not to have their taxes raised through the roof. Now, the only way out for California is to tax anything and everything, including Botox and steroids. California was, in fact, a laboratory of Democratic policies. The rabbit died, so now Obama is trying it on a national level.

The perfect bar bet with a liberal would be to wager that massive government deficits in the '80s were not caused by Reagan's tax cuts. If you casually mentioned that you thought Reagan's tax cuts brought in more revenue to the government…which they did…you could get odds in Hollywood and Manhattan.

(Information care-of Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter)

Monday, April 13, 2009


I have just indulged in one of my weaknesses. It is perhaps the greatest feeling in the world. Possible, it could be a cure for depression, boredom, and most importantly…hunger. It is one of the few places that still offers to serve it “just like you like it” without taking an eternity to make it. It is a Mecca for late night drinkers and all hours workers. It transcends cultural and economic boundaries. The only fast food place I go to on a regular basis where the buns taste fresh and delicious. It is where they push the taste envelope with sandwiches that include peppercorn ranch dressing or, dare I say it, A-1 Thick and Hearty sauce. The only place that I will wait for the 11:00PM breakfast switch over, just to go. Literally a piece of heaven on earth, this is the place where I would go if I could choose the place I would go to when I die. I’m talking about Whataburger. Some, who are in to the brevity thing, refer to it as W-burger. But, if you truly revere the atmosphere, the food, and the history, then you have to say the whole name.

Whataburger was established almost 60 years ago, yet it is still relevant today. Whataburger is a Texas tradition, and if you believe it, a landmark in some small Texas towns. It’s a tradition, need I say more. The first Whataburger was founded in 1950 by Harmon Dobson on Ayers Street in Corpus Christi, Texas. He had a simple goal, to serve a burger so big that it took two hands to hold and so good that with one bite customers would say, “What a burger!” He succeeded on both accounts and turned that one little burger stand into a legend known throughout Texas and the South (taken directly from the Whataburger website). More than half a century later, with Harmon’s son, Tom, at the company helm, Whataburger still remains family-owned and operated. Employees at Whataburger are even referred to as Family Members and it is the privilege and promise of each and every one to uphold the tradition that Harmon began. So now with more than 700 Whataburger restaurants across ten states, road-trippers and hometown folks alike continue gathering under the big orange and white roofs for the fresh made to order burgers and friendly service. You need only ask yourself one question, “Do I love Whataburger enough to sport some Whataburger gear?” if you do, then you can go to the Whatastore on the website and order shirts, hats, mugs, and computer/home accessories. I am trying to decide which shirt to buy.

How pronounced is the love for Whataburger? Ask my friend Fernando, who came into town last weekend from Atlanta. There are no Whataburgers in Atlanta. So what is one of the things he said he had to do while he was here? Go to Whataburger, of course. I went with him one time, but I didn’t ask how many other times he went while here. If I had to guess, I’d venture to say three. He was only here three days. Or how about this example…there are no Whataburgers near my house. I have to travel at least fifteen minutes in one of three directions to get to one. I do it…at least once a week. And let’s not forget my other Whataburger loving friend Jon. There is one right by his apartment. There is also a Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, Sonic, and Wendy’s within the same distance. But, when we’ve had a few adult beverages and want to satisfy our hunger, there is only one place we go. You guessed it, Whataburger.

This is not to say that I don’t go to other fast food joints when I’m out and about and need to get some grub. When I’m at work, I get my lunch nearly every day from Subway. I like the value menu at Wendy’s because you can get a lot of food for not a lot of money. I, like former wrestling superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin, have been known to stop at Sonic and get a SuperSonic Jalapeno Cheese Burger. And, of course, I’m a slave to McDonald’s McChicken. But, if I want to really, and mean really, enjoy my fast food meal, then I have to find myself a Whataburger. Let us not be confused here. I am referring to places that I often drive through, so Dairy Queen, which I go in and sit down at usually, is not included in this discussion. Everyone knows DQ is the Texas stop sign, and I treat it with the dignity it deserves, by going in and having a seat to enjoy my steak finger basket. Or I order it inside and go and eat it on the tailgate of my truck, if the weather is nice enough. That is neither here nor there though. The true happiness of my fast food dealings lives and dies with Whataburger. Enough said.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter! The return of the Catholic Answers Series?

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! MAY THE BLESSINGS OF THE RISEN LORD BE POURED OUT UPON YOU DURING THIS MOST HOLY SEASON! My devoted followers, who are few and very (VERY) far between, probably noticed that I didn't write anything this weekend. I'm sure they were waiting with bated breath as hour after hour passed by, refreshing their MySpace pages periodically to see if I had posted anything yet. I know you were disappointed to see that I didn't write anything and rightly so, for I am the inspiration of the spiritual and mental growth within yourself. But, it was a busy and significant weekend. The Easter Triduum…Holy Thursday evening through Easter Sunday evening…is the "high point" of the Church Year. The Latin word triduum means "a three-day period." We use the word to name collectively Friday (which in the Hebrew way of reckoning begins Thursday evening), Saturday and Sunday. Holy Thursday: The Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper preserves two ancient traditions that were once common to every Eucharist. First, the Mass begins with the tabernacle entirely empty. We receive Holy Communion this evening from the bread and wine consecrated at this Mass, not from a previous Mass. Second, the entire community is gathered at this one Eucharist, with all the priests, ministers and parishioners celebrating one Eucharist together. We might expect the Gospel for this Mass of the Lord's Supper to be one of the accounts of the institution of the Eucharist (Mt 26:26-29, Mk 14:22-25, Lk 22:14-20). Instead, the Church presents Jesus washing the feet of his disciples (Jn 13:1-15). And not only do we hear about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, but we see and experience it. The leader of the parish community takes off his Mass vestment and takes water and a towel and washes the feet of parishioners. Following the Mass of the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist which will be shared tomorrow during the liturgy of Good Friday is taken in procession to a tabernacle prepared for it, and the church is prepared for Good Friday. Good Friday: The liturgy of Good Friday is the most sober of the entire Church year…restrained and straightforward. The altar is bare, without cloths, candles or cross. There is no Mass. It is a day of fasting. There are no greetings, genuflections, opening songs, processions. We simply come and prostrate in humble submission before the Word and the glorious cross of Christ. The Gospel reading is the proclamation of the Passion according to John. If we listen closely we find that this Passion account is very different from the one we heard on Palm Sunday. In John's Gospel, Jesus' power and majesty shine through. Jesus is in control of everything that happens. He carries his cross alone. He is victorious on the cross. Jesus reigns from the tree. The cross is our glory. The instrument of death is the instrument of salvation. The third part of the Good Friday liturgy is unique to this day. A large cross is brought forward. We approach the wood of the cross, the instrument of torture, cruelty and death, and we reverence it with a touch or a kiss! If it were not for the eyes of faith we could never understand this strange, indeed bizarre action: seeing glory in the cross. The Good Friday rites conclude with a simple Communion service with the Eucharist from Holy Thursday's liturgy. Holy Saturday is a day of quiet waiting and preparation for the Easter Vigil. Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday: There are visible changes in the church on this night. The statues of Jesus, or any other saints, which have been veiled during the Passion (most usually throughout Lent), are unveiled for the vigil. The deep colors used throughout Lent are removed and replaced with bright colors. White, often together with gold, is used for garments and vestments while yellow and white flowers are often in use around the altar. On Holy Thursday the entire church is darkened when all the candles and lamps are extinguished. Then, on Saturday, a special fire is lit and blessed. This represents the risen Christ, whose light dispelled the darkness (death). Throughout the year, the Paschal candle is lit in all instances of baptism and in the rituals of death: funeral, Mass of Repose and Mass of Requiem. The Letter of Paul to the Romans makes explicit the fact that this is our resurrection night. "Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus / were baptized into his death? We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, / so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, / we too might live in newness of life" (6:3-4). We stand and joyfully sing "Alleluia" (a word we have not heard for 40 days) and the Gospel of the Resurrection is proclaimed: Christ is risen! People desiring to be Roman Catholics (catechumens/candidates) who have completed their training in a Catholic church are formally initiated as members of the faith the Church through the Sacraments of Initiation (baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist). On the day of Easter the Masses, held throughout the day, are similar in content to the Easter Vigil Mass. However, the Sacraments of Initiation are not performed, and the ritual of the Paschal candle is not performed (the candle is placed next to the ambo, or podium, throughout the Easter celebration). The colors in the church are still white, gold, and yellow signifying the glory of the resurrection.

Thus, we begin the Easter season in the Church. In the Catholic Church, the journey of Christ's death and resurrection does not end on Easter day. The day of Easter is just the beginning of a new season in the Church that is a glorious contrast to the solemn season of Lent. The Easter season extends from the Easter Vigil through Pentecost Sunday on the Catholic calendar, normally the fiftieth day after Easter. On the calendar used by traditional Catholics, Eastertide lasts until the end of the Octave of Pentecost, at Noon of the following Ember Saturday. The Easter octave allows for no other feasts to be celebrated or commemorated during it (possible exception is the Greater Litanies if Easter falls later in the year). If Easter is so early that March 25 falls in Easter week, the feast of the Annunciation is postponed to the following week. Ascension is the fortieth day of Easter, always a Thursday.

So, as you may see, I’ve been a little focused on Jesus the past few days. Well, honestly, Jesus and work is probably a more accurate assessment of the use of my time. Luckily, I have today off of work (with pay, hooray holidays) so I can just relax and veg out for a while. Work has been kind of stressing me out, which is funny because I don’t take my job that seriously. I am cursed with my father’s work ethic, or at least part of it, and a need to make people happy. This coming week shouldn’t be that bad, though, except for the exam on Thursday, but hey, life goes on. I’ve completed my registration for the fall semester and have decided to take the summer off to focus on working and saving up money. I’m going to need that money when I stop working to focus on school full time in the fall. That’s right, no more splitting time between work and school. I’m ready to learn, just learn…not fall asleep during lectures in the back of class with a can of Monster next to me that obviously isn’t working.

Some of you who have followed my blog since way back may remember my "Catholic Answers Series" that I did. If you are one of those, then all this theology in one blog my make you nostalgic. It may be making a come back, my friends.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wasted Days and Opening Day

Ok, so it has been almost a week, or rather a whole week in and of itself, since my last blog. I did inform everyone last blog about how busy and inebriated my weekend would be. It turned out much as I expected. It had kind of a rough start as Fernando had some travel issues and didn’t get into DFW till almost midnight on Friday. Then, we rushed in a way to Main Street Bar in Richardson to get the weekend started right. I started my weekend with 2 shots and 4 beers in one hour. Rough, but I survived enough to get everyone to Whataburger for some taquitos before bedtime. The next morning as my alarm clock was going off I made the spur of the moment decision to sleep in some more and ended up sleeping till almost eleven. I took Fer to go get his rental car but was turned down by the rental place due to some credit card snafus, so we just sucked it up, reorganized, and went to Snuffers. I, as well as most everyone else, stuffed myself with cheddar fries and a cheddar fry burger in preparation for my evening plans. We went back to the house, blissfully, and got to get to see the video from Fernando’s wedding. I enjoyed seeing myself making an ass out of myself, and though I can’t speak for Jon and Chris, got some pretty good laughs out of it all. Although Fer said the video was only thirty minutes, it ended up being an hour or more, so right afterward we had to all depart our separate ways for our Saturday into Sunday plans. Fernando and Claudia were heading up to Wichita Falls to see Fer’s brother, I packed up and hauled ass to the racetrack, and Jon, well, I’m not sure what Jon did. When I got to the track I settled into the race weekend groove. Everyone was enjoying crawfish and other delicacies, but I was still so stuffed from Snuffers that I couldn’t take it. I started in on the beer. My brother made the “excellent” decision to bring some Natural Light to the track, which was pretty gross, but cheap beer is cheap beer. We sat around the campers and camp chairs, drinking and watching people play cornhole. It was a redneck holiday of sorts. As the evening turned into late night, the Oklahoma boys yelled, “Let’s go see some titties!” So, everyone stuffed a couple beers in their pockets and topped off their mixed drinks to head over to the “parade” where ladies, young and old, attractive and disgusting, would compromise their morals for ten cents worth of plastic beads. It wasn’t that great. In fact, if you were sober enough, you would realize that for twenty dollars you could have a relatively attractive woman’s undivided attention for three or four minutes at an actual titty bar. The hangovers keep most of us in bed till ten the next morning, but the rest of us were shaken out of bed because of the raging winds and freezing cold that came about in the middle of the night. Sleeping on the floor of a camper with an egg-crate beneath me and an old worn blanket was not the best circumstances for this type of weather. But, I toughed it out and enjoyed the excellent breakfast my brother made before heading to the track. The race wasn’t that good and my sister got sick near the end, so they split out early and I was on their heels to beat the traffic. Sunday night we all got together again since we were all back in town and enjoyed some more good times. Claudia was going back Monday morning so we had to work out the driving plan for the game. We boiled it down to Fer taking Claudia to DFW and then going back to Love to drop off his rental car, then me going and picking up both Jon and Josh on the way to getting Fer from Love and going to the ballpark. It turned out like clockwork, but it didn’t mean that everything was fantastic. It was still cold, maybe even colder. Our seats were upper deck, right behind home plate, and when I say upper deck, we were one row down from the top and had the cold North wind at our backs the whole time. But, we won, and I will get to that later. Monday night we were cool out and relaxed, just enjoying our last good times before we all split ways again. I took Fernando over to Jon’s because he was going to stay there that night and Jon was going to take him to the airport because I had to work the next morning. It was such a good weekend that parts of it are just blurs, but I know I had a great time and I know I will miss Fernando till I see him again.

Now on to my Texas Rangers…The Texas Rangers are going to make people forget about those miserable starts of the recent past if they keep playing like it is 1996 again. For the first time since the season of their first AL West title, the Rangers are 3-0. The Rangers can still hit, that has not changed. But if they keep pitching the way Kevin Millwood and the relievers did in a 9-1 opening victory over the Cleveland Indians on Monday, this could finally be their breakout season. Plus, Elvis Andrus hit his first career homer, and Nelson Cruz added two solo shots and three RBIs to lead the Rangers past the Cleveland Indians 8-5 Wednesday. And Marlon Byrd and Ian Kinsler hit long home runs and the Rangers outslugged the Cleveland Indians 12-8 Thursday. Texas, which got its only series sweep last season in late August, is the only American League team still undefeated. The Rangers got off to a 7-16 start last season that raised questions about the future of manager Ron Washington, who made his debut a year earlier with a 20-loss May that pushed Texas to a season-worst 19 games under .500 by mid-June. Texas won its first seven games and went on to win its first AL West title in 1996. They won the division again in 1998 and 1999, but still haven’t won a playoff series. However, with kind of start and the knowing nods and glances we are getting from ESPN, it is hard not to be optimistic about the Rangers chances. Now if you know me, you know I am not a bandwagoner. I am the hardest of hardcore Rangers fans that brave the oppressive heat of Texas summer just to enjoy a game and lives and dies by the numbers on our players stat sheets. I love the Rangers, even though they have not paid off in my previous wagers in their favor. Good thing I only gamble in cookies. Needless to say, Opening Day, and the remaining two games of the week have made me a believer all over again, as if I needed it. How can you not believe it when the former President George W. Bush winds up his right arm with two windmill whirls, then fires a high strike in to help the Texas Rangers start the season?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Why, as a man, do I feel the need to censor myself and hold back on what I say? I’m not a mean or spiteful person. I’m not going to say anything that will hurt anyone. I don’t even usually think that way. More often than not, when I censor myself, it has to do with me protecting myself from what the other person might say. Even worse, it happens in my relationships with the people I care about the most. Why can’t I just say what I am thinking/feeling at the time and let the chips fall where they may? Sure, it may end up hurting me, but it will probably be better than the constant nagging feeling I have after the fact. Sorry, I am beating up on myself a little right now due to a conversation I had earlier. I held back. It was right on the tip of my tongue, or fingertips, depending on the medium, and I just clammed up. I got generic. I dodged saying it even though I wasn’t confronted with saying it. Is this the end of the world? No, far from it, but it’s something that means a great deal to me and I said nothing. Nothing…

Aside from that, I am about to start the ultimate weekend. Let me break it down to you. I have four days off of work. Four…in a row…consecutive. Starting tonight, as soon as I leave this ridiculous stat class, I begin my weekend. The first twenty four hours will consist of me doing basically nothing. I have wanted to do nothing for twenty four hours for four days, since the last time I did so. Continuing into tomorrow night I will pick up my long-lost best friend Fernando and his wife, Claudia, from DFW International Airport with my friend Jon and take them out. Out…for debauchery and silliness in the Big D. They live in Atlanta and are coming to town for two reasons, well, for Claudia one reason, but Fer for two reasons. They are going to meet up with Fernando’s long-lost brother at some point this weekend so Claudia can meet him. I will get to Fernando’s second reason later. Anyway, debauchery, all night long and into the morning in some cases, is the plan for our guests. Then, waking Saturday to charge the batteries and refuel. The day Saturday will be played mostly by ear because of the questions of when/where/whether they will be able to meet up with Fernando’s brother. But, Saturday afternoon/evening, I will be heading out to Texas Motor Speedway for one of the greatest spectacles in sports…a NASCAR Sprint Cup race with my brother and his rowdy race friends. At TMS we will be drinking all night long on Saturday and into the morning hours in some cases, then trying to sleep it off in the camper before going to the race on Sunday. I have invited our visitors and Jon out to the track Saturday night to experience it all. The night before the race is like Woodstock, the Republican National Convention, Sturgis, Mardi gras, and the Super Bowl all rolled into one. I can’t explain it any better than that, but if you asked my brother I’m sure he could come up with something. You just have to experience it first hand to know it. After the race, where my boy Clint Bowyer is probably going to tear it up, I will head back to town for more quality time with my friends. Am I going to dry out at any time…probably not. Monday morning we will shuffle Claudia’s cookies back to the airport and head off to the event I’ve been waiting for since twelve months ago. Texas Rangers Opening Day at the Ballpark at Arlington is probably more exciting than the race, but only slightly. It’s the start of a new year of Rangers baseball and the hope for a playoff bid begins anew. This is a tradition that Jon, Fernando, and I have shared for several years and to which my brother joined last year. It’s boy’s day out. Tailgating, cheering, guessing how old the ball girls and Six Shooters are…it is awesome. Once again, the words escape me, but if you could see me, the giddy look on my face would say it all. I’m sure my classmates are wondering what the hell I’m smiling about in the middle of this damn stat class. After the game will be one more night, just the boys (well, maybe just the boys), doing what we do best…drinking and laughing. Tuesday morning, Fernando will be leaving our world again and life will go back to normal, literally, since I have to work that morning.

All that being said, don’t expect to hear from me for the next few days unless you are one of the lucky few who I grace with drunk texts in the middle of the night. You know who you are. I’ll let ya’ll know how everything turns out sometime next week when all the alcohol leaves my system. Yes, by the way, we practice safety when drinking and designate a driver. But we don’t travel much once we’ve settled into a good rhythm of shots and beers. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Monday, March 30, 2009 a woman...

Ok, so I lied to myself. I may have lied to ya’ll too, I don’t know, I don’t read my own blogs once I post them. It is not a serious lie by any means, but it is something I told myself I wouldn’t do and yet I am compelled to do it. Let us start from the beginning. I was flipping through the channels last night, which is something I rarely do because my TiVo offers me an onscreen guide that alleviates the need for such silliness. Anyway, I was flipping through the channels and I came across CNN. I don’t watch CNN that much, to be honest with you, not that I don’t watch the news, but CNN is a little too liberal leaning for my tastes, at least on occasion. So, I came across CNN and Larry King Live is on. Let’s just say that you can take what I said about not watching CNN that much and then double it went applying it to how often I watch Larry King Live. Like I want to sit and listen to an old man in suspenders prattle through “hard-hitting” questions with celebrities and politicians. I don’t care much what Jennifer Aniston’s political point of view is or whether she thinks President Obama is cute. But, last night I had to stop because his first guest was Meghan McCain. Here comes the rub, I had promised myself that I wouldn’t write about Meghan McCain after my first blog about her where I compared her to a unicorn. However, this was a special case where I would get to see a little behind the curtain (un-edited) as to what she really thinks and feels about things. Sure, Larry King probably gives them the questions he is going to ask ahead of time and I would accuse him of using “softball” questions on more than one occasion, but at least I would get to hear her speak.

I know what a lot of you are probably thinking…man, does he have a crush on this girl or what? Well, you can put that question to bed right now, folks. The answer is no. I don’t form crushes on people I’ve never met, talked to, or experienced before. That’s absurd. I pity people who have these celebrity crushes on the people in the limelight with whom they have never exchanged a single word in person, in writing, or otherwise. Ok, pity is a strong word to use, but I guess I just don’t understand it. I admit though, that if I did meet Meghan McCain and she lived up to even half of my expectations of her I probably would have a crush. But what does that say about me that the one “celebrity” I have would potentially have a crush on is not really a celebrity in the traditional sense. She’s more of a political commentator, which isn’t really sexy unless you like politics or you like big words like commentator. Let me not misinform you. I have formed an interest in Ms. McCain that is based on several factors that make up so-called “crush” material, but I’m not part of her fan club (if there is one), I don’t subscribe to her blog, and I don’t have posters of her on my walls. All of which, I use as criteria for identifying a celebrity crush scenario.

All of that aside, I think I gathered a great deal from watching the interview. Ms. McCain said one thing that CNN and Larry King locked onto instantly. When King asked a question about whether Obama seems like the same guy who ran against her dad and how she views him now, Meghan said, “He's our president and when the election was over and when President Obama won, all negative feelings were gone. I support the president.” When asked if she thought that many in the Republican Party want the President to fail, she said, “I don't know, because there are many different personalities within the party. ... I would never want my president to fail, no matter which party is in power.” That struck me as an excellent point to make. Both parties always rail against the opposition when they are in power, but no one ever really stops to think that a president failing means a nation failing. Poignant and well thought out for someone who is about twenty years younger than most policy makers and party leaders. Sure, it is healthy for democracy to have two sides (or more) that fight for what they believe in, but it is unhealthy to wish that one side completely fail so that your side looks better. I know I am hard on President Obama because I don’t believe in his politics, but I would never want him to fail. He could fix the economy, erase the deficit, lower taxes, cure cancer and save a hundred puppies from a burning building, I am still going to rail on him because he is a democrat. But, I will also respect him for his accomplishments, even if not publicly. This is not the only thing I learned from watching the interview, I also learned that Meghan McCain has a tattoo on her foot and is playing to get another on her wrist. She likes tattoos. Kinda makes me want to go out and get that tattoo I’ve been planning on, but not for her, for myself. She is a conservative, motivated, successful woman who has and wants tattoos. Why not me, too?

Ok, enough is enough. Now, I promise I won’t write about Meghan McCain again. Ok, maybe not again…right now she is a fascinating woman to me, and I have a shortage of fascinating women in my life right now. Well, I have a shortage of women in my life right now, period, never mind the fascinating.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hindsight is 20/20

Something struck me today. Not physically, I am alright. I mean mentally. It occurred after receiving one of those emails from facebook. Ya’ll know the ones…someone has commented on something or other on your facebook page. It took a while for me to be struck by this thing, this epiphany, if you will. Almost two hours later, on my drive to school, which I’m currently in. Stat is boring enough as it is, but when you’re tired and you arrive to class late, it just makes it worse. Anyway, back to my momentary enlightening. It seems that when you are growing up in the years between your junior year of high school and your career that everyone wants to know what your five year plan is. When you’re in high school and college, it is so easy to let your mind run wild with the possibilities of who you will be, but often you just are off the mark. That’s right, I’m going to be writing about how life throws you curveballs and you never end up where you thought you would. Just as boring as stat, I know, but I’m going to be talking about me personally, so you may be able to relate.

If my life had gone with my five year plan, five years ago, I would be married right now. Funny, considering I am probably the furthest from getting married right now in my life than I have ever been. But yes, I was in that serious of a relationship five years ago that I thought I would be married by 2009. Some of you may think that is sad, but for me it just reaffirms for me the feeling I’ve always had that God has got my back. If I were married to the girl I was going to be married to, I would probably be miserable. And, to make that situation worse, we probably would have brought a child into this world along with that ill advised marriage. Don’t get me wrong, I loved that girl very much back then, but I was young and dumb and she was even younger and dumber. I was blinded by my love for her to the obvious flaws not only in our relationship but also in each other. I’ve grew up much since then and been through other relationships along that way that have shown me the difference between the love I had for her and the love that you are supposed to have for someone you plan on marrying. Maybe she has grown up too, and we would have matured together into a positive relationship with one another, but I highly doubt that. If anything, we would have probably just grown apart naturally if she had decided to move on to “better” things. Yeah, you don’t do that to someone you really love.

If my life had gone with my five year plan of five years ago I would be working a marginally unfulfilling corporate job, or been downsized out of such a job by now. I had hoped, or more accurately assumed, that after college I was going to be handed a white collar, cubicle, nine to five job like my father told me would be waiting for me if I got my degree. I would have been relatively happy with that. Menial, sit and work, jobs seem to favor me. I am quiet, focused and motivated by perks, which most of these jobs offer. But, if this would have happened, I would have never taken a chance on being a youth minister. I would have never worked one week to make ends meet. I would have never gained a vast knowledge of tires or cell phones. I’d be a boring person with a boring job. Plus, I probably wouldn’t be back in school working on my MBA if I had gotten one of those jobs. So, in essence, there is another flaw in my five year plan that I thought would work perfectly at the time and now see how stupid it would have been. With the way the economy is going, I might have lost the “dream job” and ended up working at NTB to make ends meet. Huh, I guess maybe the five year plan would have put me in the same place in that regard. Don’t get me wrong, I am getting my MBA so that I can get one of these jobs, but I think I will appreciate it ten times more now than I would have then.

My five year plan of five years ago also included one more thing…the American dream. Yeah, a house a dog and a new car in the driveway, all the stuff that the true American dream entails. I wanted it all. I didn’t want something too fancy, though. A nice three bedroom, two bath, older home with a good sized yard and a garage. That is all I ever really fantasized about when it came to a residence. Front porch would be nice, but not necessary and of course I would have liked a good size kitchen where I could work my culinary magic. A Bloodhound or Great Dane running in the yard would have tied it all together. Oh, and let us not forget the car (truck), a new model Chevy Silverado 2500 Heavy Duty crew cab standard bed 4-wheel drive diesel. It would be a man’s truck, for the man of the house. Tough enough to handle the beatings I would give it on the weekends taking it to the lake and hauling supplies to fix up the house, but roomy and comfortable enough to pile the guy’s in for boy’s weekend and Opening Day of the Ranger’s season. Well, that is why it is a five year plan, not a five year definite. I’m still at home with my folks…don’t even have a place of my own, though I pretty much own the upstairs now. I don’t have my own dog…just family dogs that only pay attention to me when there’s food on my plate or they need to go outside. I don’t have the new truck…but I do have the truck that I bought and have paid for with my own money, which is just as good, even though it isn’t a diesel. American dreams can wait for me to make more than twenty grand a year after taxes.

As you have read, if my life had stayed the course it seemed to be on five years ago, I would be a completely different person. I wouldn’t be the Aaron that most of you know and respect (maybe even love, who knows). I probably wouldn’t have become friends with my two best friends, Jon and Fernando. I probably wouldn’t have developed the great relationships I have with my cousins now. I wouldn’t nearly respect my parents as much as I do now. I wouldn’t be as devote and knowledgeable about Catholicism as I am. I probably wouldn’t have reconnected with dear friends from high school like I have. I never would have learned a proper two-step or gained an appreciation for reggaeton music. Life just wouldn’t be the same.

Sometimes the best laid plans are just crap.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Uncle Aaron is on the Case, Literally

If any of you saw any of the Spider-Man movies over the past decade or however long, you are familiar with the wisdom that Uncle Ben passed on to Peter…”with great power comes great responsibility.” You may be asking yourself why I’m bringing this up. No, I have not gained superpowers through some strange and unforeseen accident, like an irradiated coffee mug getting chipped and then scrapping me turning me into a super barista, or, ya know, things of that nature. This is something for more serious. I’m going to be an uncle. Yes, as I had foretold in a previous blog, I am going to finally have my chance to be “crazy” Uncle Aaron. So, like Uncle Ben from Spider-Man, I will have the power to pass on amazing wisdom I have gained through my travels in this life. Wisdom like, um, oh, yeah, “if it ain’t clear, it ain’t beer.” Or, “it doesn’t matter how much you like a girl, it’s whether she’ll even look at you that matters.” Also, “if you rush to grow up, you’ll forget to.” I’ve got all kinds of gems or pearls of wisdom even though they are not really coming to me right now. I should probably write them down, which is one of them, “write that down.” I’m sort of a mix between all the best and worst role models. It will be excellent. Plus, I’ve still got like eight months to perfect everything into one cohesive strategy. It’s kind of like off season in football. I’ve got to scheme a new outlook on life that involves being a good uncle. Plans are in the works to trade some of my bad habits for some less offensive ones, but negotiations have stalled for the time being.

Aside from that fun and blessed event still to come in my life, I’ve got a new addition hounding me right now. Yes, we have inherited another one of my brother’s dogs. Their eleven month old bloodhound, June, has come to stay with us so that Josh and Rachel can square things away a little more. She, June, is a handful and with both of them working and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life, it is hard to focus on her as much as she needs. She’s a great puppy, if you can get past the dopey look on her face, the clumsiness, the hyperactivity, and the drool. I like her, though I won’t admit that in front of her. It’s a pride thing, is all. I don’t want her to know I have the upper hand. I don’t follow that alpha dog training thing nor am I some new-age yahoo. I have been called the dog-whisperer by my friends for my uncanny ability to gain the trust of dogs that usually shy away people they don’t know. Either way, I look forward to having her around, even though she makes it completely pointless to take a shower or wear clean clothes.

I don’t have a clever wrap up for this one, folks. Consider this a straight forward update on some important things in my life. That’s it…

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Madness of March

The Madness of March has begun. Although there are places in the United States where this “madness” grips people with an immovable power, I am only slightly enraged by this time of year. Of course, I do everything that everyone does during March Madness. I’ve filled out my bracket. I just spent two hours watching four games all at once. I’ve even been trying to keep track of the up and coming stars that may be going pro. But, to be completely honest with you, I am not really a basketball person. Though I enjoy college hoops a lot more than pro ball, it may rank third or tied for fourth in my list of the top team sports. I do have some issues with college basketball that only serve to aggravate my not-so-total enjoyment of the Madness of March. First and perhaps foremost overall is the incredibly long length of the shot clock. It’s almost ridiculous. Thirty-five seconds is an eternity in basketball, especially at the college level. Most of these players would qualify for semi-pro or European teams who play under professional rules with a twenty-four second clock. Giving them eleven more seconds is like giving them free reign over the court. I’m not saying it needs to be reduced to twenty-four seconds, but some reduction might make things just a little more interesting. Second, halves, as opposed to quarters or innings or intervals (thirds), are the stupidest thing to happen to sports in the post high school age group ever. Yes, soccer is played in halves, which is fine for them and their silly little business, but this is basketball. Basketball was wholly invented in the United States and deserves a better treatment than the internationalist ideals of halves. If quarters were introduced to college basketball, think of the awesomeness of the fourth quarter comeback. Think of the reimagining and restructuring of game plans that could happen to engineer the greatest games in history. Imagine the upsets we’ve seen in college basketball and the close calls…now think if they had gone the other way because coaches had a break between a third and fourth quarter to come up with greatness. I’m rambling. Third, I am not really invested in any of these teams. I’m not alum of any of these schools. Sure, I can cheer for the teams that I like and be a bandwagon fan, but I don’t have Texas or UCONN jerseys in my closet. All I can say is good luck to anyone who tries to keep my March Madness under control when the SMU Mustangs make it to the big dance. Enough said about that.

I had one of those soul searching moments today while working alone in the warehouse at work putting up tires from our warehouse delivery. Why am I such a nice guy? I’m one of the nicest guys I know. I’m the nicest guy at my shop. It doesn’t matter what you do or say to me, sooner or later I will forgive and forget. I’ll even go out of my way sometimes. I discount for people who don’t ask for or don’t need discounts. I get my friends ridiculously nice gifts for Christmas and their birthdays. I pick up the check often. I’m a horribly good tipper. I…am a serial nice guy. I think this has even affected my relationships. It’s no mistake that I’ve noticed woman gravitate to guys who treat them like crap. I’m usually the friend who hears about the bad things these guys do. I’m the shoulder that ends up getting cried on. I’m doomed to be the nice guy. Possibly, or as of right now, definitely finishing last in the relationship race amongst my friends. I know that has to do with more than just me being “too” nice a guy. I know I put up walls and am handicapping myself with high standards. This, I mulled over for about 2 hours while throwing tires around in the warehouse. That is what happens when you leave me alone with my thoughts for too long and don’t numb them out with alcohol or TV.

I’m deep.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

GO IRISH...literaly, for the day...

Before you go and get blitzed tonight in the good Irish spirit, you need to learn about the man whose name is on this fantastic day. St. Patrick of Ireland is one of the world's most popular saints. Apostle of Ireland, born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland, in the year 387; died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, 17 March, 461. Along with St. Nicholas and St. Valentine, the secular world shares our love of these saints. His memorial is celebrated on March 17 and this is also a day when everyone's Irish. He didn't chase the snakes out of Ireland and he may never have plucked a shamrock to teach the mystery of the Trinity. Yet St. Patrick well deserves to be honored by the people of Ireland—and by downtrodden and excluded people everywhere. There are many legends and stories of St. Patrick, but this is his story. Patrick was born around 385 in Scotland, probably Kilpatrick. His parents were Calpurnius and Conchessa, who were Romans living in Britain in charge of the colonies. As a boy of fourteen or so, he was captured during a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. Ireland at this time was a land of Druids and pagans. He learned the language and practices of the people who held him. During his captivity, he turned to God in prayer. He wrote, "The love of God and his fear grew in me more and more, as did the faith, and my soul was roused, so that, in a single day, I have said as many as a hundred prayers and in the night, nearly the same." Patrick said of his ministry, "I prayed in the woods and on the mountain, even before dawn. I felt no hurt from the snow or ice or rain." Patrick's captivity lasted until he was twenty, when he escaped after having a dream from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to the coast. There he found some sailors who took him back to Britain, where he reunited with his family. He had another dream in which the people of Ireland were calling out to him "We beg you, holy youth, to come and walk among us once more." He began his studies for the priesthood. He was ordained by St. Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre, whom he had studied under for years. Later, Patrick was ordained a bishop, and was sent to take the Gospel to Ireland. He arrived in Ireland March 25, 433, at Slane. One legend says that he met a chieftain of one of the tribes, who tried to kill Patrick. Patrick converted Dichu (the chieftain) after he was unable to move his arm until he became friendly to Patrick. Patrick began preaching the Gospel throughout Ireland, converting many. He and his disciples preached and converted thousands and began building churches all over the country. Kings, their families, and entire kingdoms converted to Christianity when hearing Patrick's message. Patrick by now had many disciples, among them Beningnus, Auxilius, Iserninus, and Fiaac (all later canonized as well). Patrick preached and converted all of Ireland for 40 years. He worked many miracles and wrote of his love for God in Confessions. After years of living in poverty, traveling and enduring much suffering he died March 17, 461. He died at Saul, where he had built the first church. Patrick was a humble, pious, gentle man, whose love and total devotion to and trust in God should be a shining example to each of us. He feared nothing, not even death, so complete was his trust in God, and of the importance of his mission. So, remembering all this on the day we celebrate this storied and saintly man…LET'S GET PISSED!

It is fate, both glorious and profound, that two of my best friends have their birthdays on the day before and the day of St. Patty. Jon, who has become like my rock, the steady and immovable presence in my life that reminds me both of how lucky I am and how much I need to improve myself. If you know both of us, you might be scratching your head and asking yourself if it shouldn’t be the other way around, but lately, having a friend like Jon in my life has been a blessing. Anyway, the day of the celebration of his birth was yesterday and we had a little get together at his apartment to celebrate. Jon and I had both worked yesterday so we were easing into our groove slower than usual, but still much faster than the rest. It was a nice intimate gathering that involved beer, lots of beer post the impromptu beer run, some booze, drinking games, 80’s movies (Howard the Duck, The Karate Kid), and even a beer bong. You may ask how people in their mid-twenties still party like this to celebrate their birthdays. The answer to that is that true friends, true times, don’t have an age limit. In my case however, they do have a curfew/bedtime. I skipped out earlier than I would have liked to because I had to work this morning. That didn’t do a lick of good, though, because I still got up this morning with my alarm, turned it off, then called in to work and told them I’d be late and rolled over for just a few more precious minutes. The hangover wasn’t that bad, I can handle beer hangovers pretty damn good…years of practice. I will get a chance to make up for my early exit last night on Friday when Jon is supposedly throwing the official Jon-style party. Let’s just say that work on Saturday may be a little tougher than today, but I won’t be able to call in, so I’ll just have to hang. I endure all this for my best friend, which the kind of commitment that gets you the honor of being someone’s best man. Also, though this is not a revelation, I proved once again last night that I am better at drinking games when I am drunk. I can’t play quarters worth a blunt nickel till I’ve chugged my first one.

Also, today is the celebration of the birth of my friend Fernando. We’ve had many good times, many deep times, many hard times, and many just times through our friendship, but I wouldn’t want any other friend to be my co-best friend than him. I miss him to death now that be lives in Atlanta and we don’t get to celebrate his birthday anymore like we used to, but tonight I guarantee that one round will be in his honor. He’s my Mexican-Irishman. Born on the day when everyone is Irish, he is the greatest.

I don’t have much else to say. I’ve be going on and on about how great my friends are, which is a little weird, but what can I say. Birthdays are reminders of who is really important in your life. There is not much going on in my life right now. I’ve got the house to myself for one more night, which means that sitting around in my underwear as I am right now is both refreshing and not offensive. Work is a bitch, as usual. It’s spring break and I have no plans to go anywhere or do anything other than work and lay around and be worthless, along with the consumption of alcohol from time to time. I should be studying for the exam I have the first class back from the break, but I’m being a little lazy on that one. What do you expect from me, it’s spring m*****f***ing break and I just want to enjoy not having some class to go to a couple hours after work. I don’t have plans as of yet for St. Patrick’s Day but it is only 8PM, there is plenty of time to figure something out. As a matter of fact, I have to take this call…